

Can it be possible in one letter?

Yes. There are many names who use the name in one letter.

Is there any meaning?

No need to any other "meaning" more than that person.

Why did you choose this name?

There are three lip letters which are B, M and P. B is the easiest and the most common letter to pronounce in all alphabets.

Is there any advantage of one letter name?

Easy to say. No need to be more.

What was your name?

If you decide something, then there cannot be any meaning about past.

Was it so bad?

It's not emotional.

Who gave this name?

I have decided and changed.

Did you do this for to be different to take our attention?

No. There cannot be that much low level expectation.

Are there other aims and/or clear or secret missions?

No. There isn't any.

Wouldn't be the problem the same lettered name to recognize people?

There cannot be any problem by same names. We know many person who has same name and non of them can make confuse or seperate them by name.

What is your surname?

I prefer, not use "that". Name is enough. If there is any obligation, our ID number is enough. And our name is not even to reflect us. We are not after our name. Name is after us, as vehicle or a sign by letter(s). 

Did you change on identity card too?

No, need to change if we decide and express that. World begins by our words.

Can we take any name we'd like to?

Sure. What ever we'd like to or decide something. There cannot be any measure about our personal decisions.

Are there any people who takes one letter except you?

No. Not in Turkey yet by a Latin alphabet letter but there are many names as "Elif".

Are there any one lettered name in other countries?

There are many people who has one letter name in the world.

1996-2020, Istanbul - Turkiye

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